The brawler adept could have had 4 levels of critical strike in her punch and she would still be a totally balanced character, actually she would still be weaker than a street sam. Fact is even without critical strike it is at absurd damage levels so great job there guys. critical strike could stack to absurd damage levels. They pretty mucb gave the reason which is with super strength, weapons etc. IMO.this is really a talk with your GM issue unless you are talking missions. Oh ya I know this is an old forum I just wanted to add a some comment about my option, SR5 still rocks and all but just drop ideas and comments, I didn't even expect anyone to comment on it. Everyones seems to think MMA is the best martial arts system and guns are never going to be taken out my a true martial artist, extend your chi and paralyze their arm the gun is now no good. I would love to see a version of Nerve Strikes that only paralyze one limb at a time since CO 10 paralyzes the arm and if you train long enouph you can learn to project your chi a short distance and hit this point and paralyze a persons arm that has a gun in it. The only thing with using spells is you have to play a Mystic Adpet to do it so the adpets lose the true Martial Arts ability to do it. Neurological point the 4 on the human body don't kill you (no killing hands) does not paralyze you no NerveStrike they KO you, Stomach 9 tricks the body into thinking it has high blood pressure so the blood pressure of the body drops and you faint, of course if your strike tares the cavity it will degenerate over around 7 years and you will die, it will seem like you had a stroke to MD's. Well Dim Mak in the real world would be, NerveStrikes to paralyze a person, Killing hands to kill a person, and Neurological to KO the person, or again hit Stomach 9 to KO the person but then again Stomach 9 would also kill the person 7 years later.