If you feel like you experience fatigue and tiredness most days for the majority of the day, then perhaps it’s wise to seek more professional help. Fatigue is often a temporary state which ends when you fall asleep at night, so remind yourself that feeling tired during the day may be resolved by the time you get home and/or when you wake up the next morning. Next time you’re feeling sleepy and want to hit up the closest café, first try one or more of these strategies. To take a short break from a time-consuming task and then come back to it after you’ve engaged This means, perhaps you’re tired because you are focusing so hard.

Lying down is associated with increased activity in the parasympathetic nervous system.
Stretch your whole body starting from small movements to full body positions It might be tempting to get comfortable while studying, but it won’t help you stay awake. What happens when you’re in a situation where you can’t get your caffeine fix, or, for various reasons, you’re trying to cut back or eliminate your caffeine intake altogether? At times of fatigue, when taking a nap is simply not possible, what other options do you have to awaken your mind and stimulate your senses to get through the rest of the day? Here are a few strategies to help you stay awake without the Here, we’ll share 10 effective ways to stay awake without caffeine. Caffeine is a natural chemical that functions as a stimulant. This shows just how popular the use of caffeine is in keeping awake and staying alert. Try Artificial Sunrises Sensitive sleepers who favor blackout curtains in their bedroom can still benefit from the morning light, thanks to gradual alarms that mimic the rising sun.

However, our North American culture is highly conditioned to sip a coffee, tea, or energy drink to keep our eyes open and our brain stimulated. If you want to shake yourself awake or stay alert for a specific period of time, caffeine is the plug. Caffeine takes its form in various foods we eat, After finishing a bowl of that warm, soupy, MSG-filled meal, I doze off instantly. It’s very common that people misuse, and sometimes abuse, the quick fix remedy of caffeine. Some foods to avoid if you’re trying to stay awake include greasy food (like cheeseburgers and fries), and foods high in MSG, sugar, or carbohydrates.

Everyone struggles with feeling tired from time to time.